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Office Configurator

LEONARDO: the first office space confi­gurator

17 Apr 24

Credit Suisse is using the first office space confi­gurator for its LEONARDO office block, thus pioneering the digiti­sation of office leasing processes.

Treading new ground with the Office Confi­gurator

Credit Suisse Asset Management, the owner of the Leonardo office block in Zurich-Oerlikon, refur­bished the entire building and repurposed it for a number of tenants. The building has a variety of bookable services as well as catering facilities.

The marketing of the appro­xi­mately 40 different office spaces is being supported by the use of a confi­gurator. Potential new tenants can configure the office space to meet their own needs within a predefined framework. Estate agents use the saved confi­gu­rations within the leasing process, adapting them if desired and managing the status of the office space.

The Office Confi­gurator in brief

The Office Confi­gurator is a separate web appli­cation that can be integrated seamlessly into your marketing page. Potential tenants can look for and configure suitable office space on various floors. The price is calculated in real time depending on the selected options.

  1. Interested parties can choose appropriate office space using a variety of search filters such as the size, the number of employees, the floor and the price.
  2. Various floor plans are available to choose from and can be configured in accordance with your own needs.
  3. Potential tenants choose and combine the fittings for the office space (e.g. flooring, wall colour or kitchenette). Each configuration option is rendered, thus providing interested parties with a quick overview of the space.
  4. Additional options such as parking spaces, storage areas or server rooms can also be leased. Here too, the additional cost is updated and displayed, reflecting the chosen options.
  5. The summary includes the complete selected configuration as well as the calculated reference price. The tenant also specifies the desired leasing period and start date.


The software is adapted to your needs and desires, depending on the building and the confi­gu­ration options for the office space. The front-end design is defined as a style guide (HTML/​CSS speci­fi­cations) by an external agency and integrated by Datahouse.


Would you like to find out more about the Office Confi­gurator? Then call us on +41 44 289 92 00 or send us an email.